Funny story. It turns out one of our bucks wasn't a buck after all... This doe, the black rabbit in the corner surrounded by babies, has been in our buck house for over a year.
We never had baby bunnies until we tried breeding our does. We used a "honeymoon suite" aka old small rabbit hutch. Two couples spent a few days together breeding. Normally I would only have them together for 24 hours but they were unsure what they were supposed to do.
One of our does, Rogue, was proven, meaning she had had a litter in the past, and it was the others, Ginger Jr's, first time. Ginger Jr was the only doe to kindle, give birth.
Our bucks were both first-timers. I think this gave them the idea and used this new knowledge back in their house with the non-buck inhabitant. That is why the two litters are about the same age.
All the kits were doing very well but we lost 6 of the 9. All of the kits from the buck house and one from the doe house. It was really heartbreaking. I think they stopped nursing and didn't know how to use waterer.
I am so grateful I got to know these little buns. I wish they had stayed on the farm longer but it wasn't meant to be.
The non-buck doe has been moved in with the other does. She many already be pregnant.